Hello! This is my first homepage! I wonder how u have found it! It is too simple...
Why did I create this homepage? Just because I want to learn how to creat it.
I wanted to add some animation too, but HTML is very very DIFFICULT for me! The tags drive me crazy! I just read a book called "How To Use HTML" for a couple of hours, then i started to make my homepage! And now I've done it. Although this is very simple, it is still a BIG achievment for me! : ) Hey, remember, I am just a beginner!!
last updated 30-8-99
since 31-7-1999
FastCounter by LinkExchange
As this is my first attempt in creating a homepage, if you have any suggestion on how I can improve my homepage, please feel free to email me!! Thanks alot!
Please email me!
[email protected]